Hi again team. When serving Fleet, I am seeing in...
# fleet
Hi again team. When serving Fleet, I am seeing in netstat that fleet is only serving 443 over IPv6, despite my disabling IPv6 in the OS. Is there a setting I inadvertently tweaked that would have caused that?
In looking at the fleet service status, I see that the address should be serving over IPv4: {"address":"","msg":"listening","transport":"https","ts":"2023-03-20T153417.857040269Z"} But when looking at netstat, I only see Fleet serving on IPv6: Proto Recv-Q Send-Q Local Address Foreign Address State PID/Program name tcp 0 0* LISTEN 463/systemd-resolve tcp 0 0* LISTEN 858/sshd: /usr/sbin tcp 0 0* LISTEN 675/mysqld tcp 0 0* LISTEN 535/redis-server 12 tcp 0 0* LISTEN 675/mysqld tcp6 0 0 :::443 :::* LISTEN 15860/fleet
To clarify, since after rereading my initial post I didn't really describe the issue well: Fleet is not serving over IPv4, it is only serving over IPv6. IPv4 is what I need to work.
I set the fleet.yml file to include debug logging - after a service restart, I didn't see any errors.
I validated that 443 is working for other applications on the server, so this appears to be Fleet related as opposed to an IPv4 or OS issue.
I rolled back to 4.26.0 (what I used successfully in my lab environment) to see if this would make a difference - no change.
YML config file contents: mysql: address: '' database: 'fleet' username: 'fleet' password: '<REDACTED>' redis: address: '' server: address: '' cert: '/usr/bin/fleet/fleet.cert' key: '/usr/bin/fleet/fleet.key' logging: json: 'true' debug: 'true' activity: enable_audit_log: 'true' audit_log_plugin: 'filesystem'
are you running fleet as root? it will need to be root to bind to :443 which is why it defaults to httpalt
Hi @chrismsnz - yes I am. I am running it under the root account, and tested it using "fleet serve --config fleet.yml" - same issue.
my only thought is that there is something binding to another ipv4 on :443 somewhere (e.g. localhost:443) which is causing to fail but not :::443
for the record my listen looks like:
tcp        0      0 :::8080                 :::*                    LISTEN      514/fleet
has the :::8080 but obviously
and not
as yours
I was thinking that too... when I stop the fleet service and run netcat (nc -4 -l 443) it is able to listen on the port. When I start the fleet service, netcat is not able to work, stating the address is already in use.
I'm thinking I might just start over to eliminate any rogue issues. What would be the best way to go about that? - Disregard, I think I have that sorted out.
So I removed/reinstalled Redis, mysql and Fleet - looks like the same issue is occurring.
root@fleetdm:/usr/bin/fleetdm# netstat -tulpn Active Internet connections (only servers) Proto Recv-Q Send-Q Local Address Foreign Address State PID/Program name tcp 0 0* LISTEN 4522/systemd-resolv tcp 0 0* LISTEN 16405/mysqld tcp 0 0* LISTEN 16405/mysqld tcp 0 0* LISTEN 14925/redis-server tcp 0 0* LISTEN 10752/sshd: /usr/sb tcp6 0 0 :16379 :::* LISTEN 14925/redis-server tcp6 0 0 :::4421 :::* LISTEN 9503/sftd tcp6 0 0 :::443 :::* LISTEN 16537/./fleet tcp6 0 0 :::22 :::* LISTEN 10752/sshd: /usr/sb
Here is my Fleet config file: Using config file: fleet.yml mysql: protocol: tcp address: username: fleet password: <REDACTED> password_path: "" database: fleet tls_cert: "" tls_key: "" tls_ca: "" tls_server_name: "" tls_config: "" max_open_conns: 50 max_idle_conns: 50 conn_max_lifetime: 0 sql_mode: "" mysql_read_replica: protocol: tcp address: "" username: fleet password: "" password_path: "" database: fleet tls_cert: "" tls_key: "" tls_ca: "" tls_server_name: "" tls_config: "" max_open_conns: 50 max_idle_conns: 50 conn_max_lifetime: 0 sql_mode: "" redis: address: username: "" password: "" database: 0 use_tls: false duplicate_results: false connect_timeout: 5s keep_alive: 10s connect_retry_attempts: 0 cluster_follow_redirections: false cluster_read_from_replica: false tls_cert: "" tls_key: "" tls_ca: "" tls_server_name: "" tls_handshake_timeout: 10s max_idle_conns: 3 max_open_conns: 0 conn_max_lifetime: 0s idle_timeout: 4m0s conn_wait_timeout: 0s write_timeout: 10s read_timeout: 10s server: address: cert: /usr/bin/fleetdm/fleet.cert key: /usr/bin/fleetdm/fleet.key tls: true tls_compatibility: intermediate url_prefix: "" keepalive: true sandbox_enabled: false auth: bcrypt_cost: 12 salt_key_size: 24 app: token_key_size: 24 invite_token_validity_period: 120h0m0s enable_scheduled_query_stats: true session: key_size: 64 duration: 120h0m0s osquery: node_key_size: 24 host_identifier: provided enroll_cooldown: 0s status_log_plugin: filesystem result_log_plugin: filesystem label_update_interval: 1h0m0s policy_update_interval: 1h0m0s detail_update_interval: 1h0m0s status_log_file: "" result_log_file: "" enable_log_rotation: false max_jitter_percent: 10 enable_async_host_processing: "false" async_host_collect_interval: 30s async_host_collect_max_jitter_percent: 10 async_host_collect_lock_timeout: 1m0s async_host_collect_log_stats_interval: 1m0s async_host_insert_batch: 2000 async_host_delete_batch: 2000 async_host_update_batch: 1000 async_host_redis_pop_count: 1000 async_host_redis_scan_keys_count: 1000 min_software_last_opened_at_diff: 1h0m0s activity: enable_audit_log: true audit_log_plugin: filesystem logging: debug: true json: true disable_banner: false error_retention_period: 24h0m0s tracing_enabled: false tracing_type: opentelemetry firehose: region: "" endpoint_url: "" access_key_id: "" secret_access_key: "" sts_assume_role_arn: "" status_stream: "" result_stream: "" audit_stream: "" kinesis: region: "" endpoint_url: "" access_key_id: "" secret_access_key: "" sts_assume_role_arn: "" status_stream: "" result_stream: "" audit_stream: "" lambda: region: "" access_key_id: "" secret_access_key: "" sts_assume_role_arn: "" status_function: "" result_function: "" audit_function: "" s3: bucket: "" prefix: "" region: "" endpoint_url: "" access_key_id: "" secret_access_key: "" sts_assume_role_arn: "" disable_ssl: false force_s3_path_style: false pubsub: project: "" status_topic: "" result_topic: "" audit_topic: "" add_attributes: false filesystem: status_log_file: /tmp/osquery_status result_log_file: /tmp/osquery_result audit_log_file: /tmp/audit enable_log_rotation: false enable_log_compression: false max_size: 500 max_age: 28 max_backups: 3 kafkarest: status_topic: "" result_topic: "" audit_topic: "" proxyhost: "" content_type_value: application/vnd.kafka.json.v1+json timeout: 5 license: key: "" enforce_host_limit: false vulnerabilities: databases_path: /tmp/vulndbs periodicity: 1h0m0s cpe_database_url: "" cpe_translations_url: "" cve_feed_prefix_url: "" current_instance_checks: auto disable_schedule: false disable_data_sync: false recent_vulnerability_max_age: 720h0m0s disable_win_os_vulnerabilities: false upgrades: allow_missing_migrations: false sentry: dsn: "" geoip: database_path: "" prometheus: basic_auth: username: "" password: "" packaging: global_enroll_secret: "" s3: bucket: "" prefix: "" region: "" endpoint_url: "" access_key_id: "" secret_access_key: "" sts_assume_role_arn: "" disable_ssl: false force_s3_path_style: false mdm: apple_apns_cert: "" apple_apns_cert_bytes: "" apple_apns_key: "" apple_apns_key_bytes: "" apple_scep_cert: "" apple_scep_cert_bytes: "" apple_scep_key: "" apple_scep_key_bytes: "" apple_bm_server_token: "" apple_bm_server_token_bytes: "" apple_bm_cert: "" apple_bm_cert_bytes: "" apple_bm_key: "" apple_bm_key_bytes: "" mdm_apple: enable: false scep: signer: validity_days: 365 allow_renewal_days: 14 challenge: "" dep: sync_periodicity: 1m0s
I don't think its fleet or your config tbh, something on your system is preventing fleet from binding to the ipv4 :443. maybe specify the listen address rather than
Unfortunately I've never been able to input the specific listening address and get it to work, in lab or in prod. There doesn't appear to be anything binding to that IP or port. I rebuilt the EC2 this morning, with no IPS/AV, only the software that comes with Ubuntu (minimal install) and MySQL/Redis/Fleet. Same issue.
Is the web server contained within the Fleet binary?
Also - switching from 443 to 8080 provides the same error - nothing served on IPv4.
I even tried port 7890 (arbitrary port) just to see if the behavior changed. Same issue.
Ok - so I have no idea what changed but it's working.
Apologies for the spam comments!
Interesting note - I still don't see IPv4 serving the port up even when it's working which is behavior I would expect to see, but I may have gotten too fixated on that factoid. 🙂
Just to close this out - the issue was a red herring. When TCP6 is showing as listening on 443 using fleet, it is in fact listening on IPv4 and 6. https://www.rfc-editor.org/rfc/rfc3493#section-3.7 - Thank you for having me dig deeper into the system itself!