hi there. It looks like `fleet migrate db` has be...
# fleet
hi there. It looks like
fleet migrate db
has been deprecated. What is the new method to accomplish the same thing? Sometimes, when fleet updates, the docker container that launches it gets into a termination loop due to schema problems, and this was the way we fixed it before.
The command is
fleet prepare db
thanks. yeah. found it just after posting this. 🙂 still not working for my specific repair case the way “migrate” had, in the past, but that’s going to be a local data issue on my side. Thanks
searching, I found this, which sounds like exactly my problem. the migrate/prepare was just a spurious detail to the underlying problem of a new uniqeness constraint. https://osquery.slack.com/archives/C08V7KTJB/p1661803285298019
Thank you!
We are currently running 4.29 but are stuck with this. Would deletion of the row in the software table likely remediate this?
Thank you, @zwass we will respond to this thread with the outcome to assist any others that come across this.
Doh! ok. was hoping it was a simple patch. open heart surgery to delete the row from the database it is. Whee.
thank you again @zwass we can confirm that deletion of the line from the software table had allowed a successful db prep.
Glad it worked! We are working on improving this migration to prevent future issues.