Question: The new mdm features, are they available...
# fleet
Question: The new mdm features, are they available for windows machines yet? The documentation only refers to MacOS from what I see so far. If they’re not live yet, is there any rough ETA on windows support?
Hi @Glen - That’s correct re macOS only at the moment. We’d like to complete additional advanced functionality on MDM over the next few releases, and then Windows is definitely next in line. I don’t have an exact ETA that I can share but my last notes show WIN development starting around Q3 (don’t hold me to this 😉).
Is Linux support on the roadmap as well ?
Yes, in planning stages at the moment. We're starting discussions with our existing customers who have Linux MDM interest to determine what they would like to see in terms of feature/functions. Happy to take any feedback you have to our MDM product team
Awesome, thanks @Zay Hanlon!
Very exciting MDM product. Any plans to also support a package manager on Windows for the MDM to bootstrap? Like Munki is supported on Macs? I'm thinking of Chocolatey in particular 😉
@Rod Christiansen Thank you! We're very excited too. I haven't seen anything specific around Windows package managers, but we're also a little too far out for specifics to have been released. @Noah Talerman ^ Some feedback for Windows 🙂
Thanks Rod! Echoing Zay, it’s a bit early to get into details for Windows MDM features. That said, Fleet is an “open” MDM. This means Fleet plays nice and is interoperable with the tools our customers use to get their jobs done (ex. Munki, Puppet, Homebrew, Chocolately).
Amazing @Zay Hanlon and @Noah Talerman I've been a Mac Admin for 8 years and just got a new role at my org as Devices Admin which includes Windows mgmt now ... and we're at a place with no MDM and very poor version control systems (using KACE 😒) etc. Our Mac shop I led is running on MicroMDM and Munki .. much more on the DevOps model.. and Fleet MDM will be an upgrade for us -- which is very exciting. I'm aiming to replicate this on the Windows side, so this announcement came at a fantastic time.
Congrats on the new role @Rod Christiansen! Glad to hear that you're as excited about the announcement as we are 🙂 Sounds like you have a tough job on your hands but hopefully Fleet can help!
We'll make announcements in the #fleet channel here as we have more info on Windows MDM release dates.
Awesome... follow up question. As Fleet MDM is based on
there's very little potential of it ever supporting iOS/iPadOS hey? @Noah Talerman
Hey! We are tracking iOS/iPadOS support in the future, but for right now we are aiming for macOS and soon Windows support. That said, priorities are open to shift depending on customer needs.