Hello! First time here but I couldn't find the ans...
# fleet
Hello! First time here but I couldn't find the answer in the documentation, online or in the SecurityOnion forums. I am trying to apply the Fleet.config file after enabling the software inventory feature but I am getting the error "Error: applying fleet config: PATCH /api/latest/fleet/config received status 422 Validation Failed: missing or invalid license". This is a self-hosted Fleet instance on a security onion VM (fleet itself is inside of a docker container).
Hey @James Konderla! The Security Onion setup is a little different that the standard Fleet deployment. You can check out their support forum here.
If you're able to apply config files using
with Security Onion (I'm not positive on the setup there), this ticket should be helpful :)
@Kathy Satterlee THANK YOU! That ticket was EXACTLY what I was looking for!