qq is gitops role in 4.30.1?
# fleet
qq is gitops role in 4.30.1?
after upgrade can’t see via fleet ui and via v4.30.1 fleetctl
(for api only account created via fleetctl it fails)
😅 so either i misread git commits and it was commited but not pass pipeline or im doing something wrong
Hi @Vlad Previn! It might be committed somewhere but GitOps will be available in the coming release (v4.31.X)
oops . ok ty. guess we do admin now and drop back to gitops later
while on the subject could i please double check if it can read: (bit fuzzy from https://github.com/fleetdm/fleet/blob/9aab3d628c688fd595fb60af581d1c72d7dd92d1/docs/Using-Fleet/Permissions.md ) 1. org config (pretty much all of api for config get with app and org settings) ala fleetctl get config 2. it can read activity log api? 3. can read users and roles they’re in (the global ones not the team ones)
and if gitops role be available in the OSS version without requiring premium
It's mostly a "write only" user to apply configuration, not designed for reading atm.
The GitOps role will be available on Premium only.
😞 i see thank you