Regarding orbit: I understand it uses TUF which so...
# fleet
Regarding orbit: I understand it uses TUF which sounds good. However until we've looked at the update process in detail, I'd like remove one upstream dependency by not having it auto-update (we might run our own update server later). How would I go about disabling the auto-udpate? Is passing
sufficient? Will that still allow me to push things like changes to the flags using fleet?
Hi Tilman. After some requests from the community we added the
option. With that flag set during the package generation, Orbit won't run any auto-update routines (so it won't reach out to a TUF at all).
Will that still allow me to push things like changes to the flags using fleet?
Yes, that continues to be the same.
just disables auto-updates of Orbit+osquery via a TUF server.
Ah so I must pass it to
fleetctl package
? Or could I also pass that parameter to the orbit binary itself? e.g. by deploying a modified systemd file on linux?
Ah yes, you can pass the same flag to Orbit itself too.
Perfect. That be sufficient to reduce some of the backlash I might be getting
currently looking into ansible task to deploy internally
Tell a bunch of security folk you want to install a service that's running as root and auto-updating from an external source and you can expect some serous backlash 😄
Indeed. The other alternative is using the Premium feature in Fleet to set up and have fleetctl/orbit point to a user-owned TUF server.
Yup. We already bought al license to have teams, but I simply don't have the time to roll my own udpate server now
Also we'll first have a look at TUF, maybe it passes msuter with an external update server