Hello all, Apple have released a <Rapid Security u...
# macos
Hello all, Apple have released a Rapid Security update this applies the fixes but does not bump the
in the application of the RSR, my query is, where might this be tracked ? I'll be looking at the
though I am not certain this will change either, has anyone had the opportunity to review the RSR's introduced in macOS > 13.x (Ventura) as yet ? Many thanks!
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sudo softwareupdate -ai
Downloading macOS Security Response 13.3.1 (a)
Will be re-checking the
table after application to see what (if anything) changes
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➜  ~ ~/osqueryi --line
Using a virtual database. Need help, type '.help'
osquery> select * from os_version;
         name = macOS
      version = 13.3.1
        major = 13
        minor = 3
        patch = 1
        build = 22E261
     platform = darwin
platform_like = darwin
     codename = 
         arch = arm64
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Downloading: 100.00%
Downloaded: macOS Security Response 13.3.1 (a)
It won’t see it, it’s checking the SystemVersion plist. MDM could inventory it
I’d be surprised if there wasn’t already a feature request in to find a way to grab it without shelling out… or use an extension to shell out, it’s pretty easy to get at from e.g. sw_vers
Hrm. One of my coworkers observes this is not in the
table. I wonder if we can expose that
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osquery> SELECT * FROM os_version;
| name  | version | major | minor | patch | build  | platform | platform_like | codename | arch  |
| macOS | 13.3.1  | 13    | 3     | 1     | 22E261 | darwin   | darwin        |          | arm64 |
Oh. Because, as allister said, osquery is reading this from
I can’t break out the debugger this morning, but I wonder where
is pulling from
Threw this up quick in case anyone needs it prior to it being added to osquery proper https://github.com/macadmins/osquery-extension/pull/31
One quick hack is to use pure sql using the plist table.
@seph I've been hunting for the plist file to query, would this be
or some other path ? Additional to update this thread; please be aware that Apple have recalled the 13.4.1a update with 13.4.1b noted to be available "soon"
Are you looking for
If that's what contains the RSR revisions, then, yes; though looks like my 13.4.1a got pulled if that is the correct path
thanks, I'll use that path for the time being.
That’s what’s running on the machine. I think, I don’t totally understand all the details
You could also try the 5.9.1 betas
I see this GH PR Thread where this is also discussed back in may, a mute point right now as the RSR has been recalled, until such time we need to track the (b) (or whatever naming convention Apple finally settle on) 😓
Isn’t there a new RSR now?
But we merged a thing for this.
Indeed, apple noted they are recalling the RSR in this and looking at my system right now, /System/Cryptexes/OS/System/Library/CoreServices/SystemVersion.plist is showing
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poor practise on Apples part IMHO; given the RSR was released originally to patch against exploit taking place in the wild, now until
is released for reasons Apple have opted to remove the patch that was implemented; it's insane
I don’t understand what apple’s rollback has to do with how osquery reports what the machine is running
Not sure anything in oquery would be affected, only any checks / queries anyone has implemented looking for 13.4.1a vs 13.4.1 of course; so if a query / pack is in place that checks for the "latest" 13.4.1a version that would start to fail.
Oh. Yes. I had “fun” with that yesturday
13.4.1(c) is now out; I've been working on a query against the
table that uses `/System/Cryptexes/OS/System/Library/CoreServices/SystemVersion.plist`; though looks like this does not exist on macOS version 12.6.7 there is this plist file
though sadly does not carry the
was hoping to not need to introduce an
however seems that I may need to do so, as RSR's were introduced after 13.4.1 iirc thus to support both 12.6.x and 13.4.x versions in the query I don't see another approach, any thoughts on this ?
As I understand it
will never have the RSR. If the RSR is installed,
will be correct. Or you could just use osquery 5.9.1, we declared it stable last night, but haven’t updated the web site.
awesome, I'll t.a.l at the updated osquery. Thanks!
🦜 looking forward to ripping the table out of the macadmins extension