Is there a SIMPLE example of setting up fleetdm us...
# fleet
Is there a SIMPLE example of setting up fleetdm using docker compose anywhere?
Hi @Roland Tepp - These are the only Fleet specific guides referencing Docker that we have today. From a community member: Hopefully other members of this community can chime in too!
Well, the first link seems to be explaining “Bare metal” set-up. Second one is a bit convoluted, with ansible and a hundred thousand configuration options.
I’ll add in @Kathy Satterlee and @Benjamin Edwards in case they have more to add when they’re online today. Stand by!
@Kathy Satterlee put together a workshop for Defcon last year that might be of help here.
Let me know if you have any questions about how things are set up there!
Can you enroll remote hosts using this setup or is it isolated to your local system?
Thank you, that looks like exactly what I was looking for.
@kish.jayson - I used the setup provided as my baseline and I managed to add two hosts to the fleet
@Kathy Satterlee I had the same issue. I understood how to create a localhost for testing. But I am using nginx and letsencrypt as a proxy. So I didn’t understand how it all works around these certificates. Would be great to get a step by step for a simple docker production setup for 10-20 devices on a shared VM. The nginx ans letsencrypt part is documented well elsewhere, but from there to getting a subdomain with fleet step by step for Dummies like me. :)