Hi people! We are currently running fleet with mor...
# fleet
Hi people! We are currently running fleet with more then 3k hosts and growing but we find something odd. Even though software_inventory is set to true it seems that the vulnerabilities are not being checked. And when I look at the logs I see:
cron=vulnerabilities cron=vulnerabilities databases-path=/tmp/vulndbs
but I manually entered in this directory in each node and it is empty. This folder has read and write permissions. Is there another env that I have to set? Version 4.18
Hey, @Rafa. That database path would be on the server side. Are you seeing any errors about vulnerabilities, or do you just have none showing up in the API/UI?
Hello! I am seeing some vulnerabilities on the API/UI but I think should be more (because we run a lot of old systems). And the folder where it should download the db is empty...
And there are only software vulns, nothing about OS vulns
The folder existing is a good sign, but I would definitely expect there to be some data there especially since you are seeing some vulnerabilities. That info has to be coming from somewhere, unless it just got cleared from
You'd see some errors in the logs if the cron job was failing. Can you try setting a new database path to see what happens?
Copy code
level=error ts=2022-08-03T21:13:00.733144068Z component=crons cron=cleanups cron=leader err="sending statistics" details="error posting to <https://fleetdm.com/api/v1/webhooks/receive-usage-analytics>: 400. "
8/3/2022 6:13:17 PM level=error ts=2022-08-03T21:13:17.696003379Z component=crons cron=vulnerabilities cron=vulnerabilities software->cpe="error translating to CPE, skipping..." err="getting cpes for: Карта: fts5: syntax error near \"\""
8/3/2022 6:13:17 PM level=error ts=2022-08-03T21:13:17.696117432Z component=crons cron=vulnerabilities cron=vulnerabilities software->cpe="error translating to CPE, skipping..." err="getting cpes for: . .: fts5: syntax error near \"\""
8/3/2022 6:13:17 PM level=error ts=2022-08-03T21:13:17.696203752Z component=crons cron=vulnerabilities cron=vulnerabilities software->cpe="error translating to CPE, skipping..." err="getting cpes for: . . .: fts5: syntax error near \"\""
8/3/2022 6:13:17 PM level=error ts=2022-08-03T21:13:17.696288523Z component=crons cron=vulnerabilities cron=vulnerabilities software->cpe="error translating to CPE, skipping..." err="getting cpes for: Неведомый Космос: fts5: syntax error near \"\""
8/3/2022 6:13:17 PM level=error ts=2022-08-03T21:13:17.696368434Z component=crons cron=vulnerabilities cron=vulnerabilities software->cpe="error translating to CPE, skipping..." err="getting cpes for: Рай: fts5: syntax error near \"\""
Weird question maybe, but how much RAM is Fleet working with?
2 gb
That could be the culprit. Vulnerability scanning needs 4GB and we start seeing weird errors like this when memory starts to get eaten.
hmmm I will change this now. one minute
I noticed something odd:
Copy code
level=debug ts=2022-08-03T21:44:00.440381147Z component=crons cron=vulnerabilities cron=vulnerabilities msg="Not the leader. Skipping..."
8/3/2022 6:44:00 PM
I am running with one node only. It should be the leader right?
The lock, database row, from the last vuln processing attempt might still be live. It will eventually expire and the next iteration should acquire leader status.
Cool! I will wait and let you know. Thanks a lot for the attention and for this amazing software!
Also how are you running fleet? Container?
First 3 pods, but I reduced to 1 just to solve this leader problem
Ok just checking thanks
How are you?
Looking at the deploy I saw that it downloaded the vulns:
And in the logs I see: fleet-85f4d45756-cprgm fleet level=debug ts=2022-08-04T132150.549502862Z component=crons cron=vulnerabilities cron=vulnerabilities cpe-processing-3=start fleet-85f4d45756-cprgm fleet level=debug ts=2022-08-04T132150.54967825Z component=crons cron=vulnerabilities cron=vulnerabilities cpe-processing-1=start fleet-85f4d45756-cprgm fleet level=debug ts=2022-08-04T132150.549706165Z component=crons cron=vulnerabilities cron=vulnerabilities cpe-processing-0=start fleet-85f4d45756-cprgm fleet level=debug ts=2022-08-04T132150.549715001Z component=crons cron=vulnerabilities cron=vulnerabilities cpe-processing-2=start fleet-85f4d45756-cprgm fleet level=debug ts=2022-08-04T132150.678175379Z component=crons cron=vulnerabilities cron=vulnerabilities pushingcpes=done fleet-85f4d45756-cprgm fleet level=debug ts=2022-08-04T132150.67854018Z component=crons cron=vulnerabilities cron=vulnerabilities cpe-processing-1=done fleet-85f4d45756-cprgm fleet level=debug ts=2022-08-04T132150.678925991Z component=crons cron=vulnerabilities cron=vulnerabilities cpe-processing-0=done fleet-85f4d45756-cprgm fleet level=debug ts=2022-08-04T132150.679066333Z component=crons cron=vulnerabilities cron=vulnerabilities cpe-processing-2=done fleet-85f4d45756-cprgm fleet level=debug ts=2022-08-04T132150.680472866Z component=crons cron=vulnerabilities cron=vulnerabilities cpe-processing-3=done
Looking good!
How's the software looking now?
And doing well this morning, how's your day going?
Good! I am fine too 😃
About the software, it still seems to do not have scanned all vulnerabilities. Is there a way to run the scan in my host added to fleet with fleetctl? I already downloaded the vulns with
fleetctl vulnerability-data-stream --dir .
The odd part is that I am still getting these errors: fleet-6ff77cf554-4nfvp fleet level=error ts=2022-08-04T170444.892674563Z component=crons cron=vulnerabilities cron=vulnerabilities software->cpe="error translating to CPE, skipping..." err="getting cpes for: Карта: fts5: syntax error near \"\"" fleet-6ff77cf554-4nfvp fleet level=error ts=2022-08-04T170444.892780759Z component=crons cron=vulnerabilities cron=vulnerabilities software->cpe="error translating to CPE, skipping..." err="getting cpes for: . .: fts5: syntax error near \"\"" fleet-6ff77cf554-4nfvp fleet level=error ts=2022-08-04T170444.892888206Z component=crons cron=vulnerabilities cron=vulnerabilities software->cpe="error translating to CPE, skipping..." err="getting cpes for: . . .: fts5: syntax error near \"\"" fleet-6ff77cf554-4nfvp fleet level=error ts=2022-08-04T170444.893001757Z component=crons cron=vulnerabilities cron=vulnerabilities software->cpe="error translating to CPE, skipping..." err="getting cpes for: Неведомый Космос: fts5: syntax error near \"\"" fleet-6ff77cf554-4nfvp fleet level=error ts=2022-08-04T170444.893094859Z component=crons cron=vulnerabilities cron=vulnerabilities software->cpe="error translating to CPE, skipping..." err="getting cpes for: Рай: fts5: syntax error near \"\""
are you running the fleet containers from dockerhub or did you build your own?
From dockerhub
I was able to reproduce the error and created a github issue https://github.com/fleetdm/fleet/issues/7067 Note that this only affects software with non-ascii names.
Thanks! But @Michal Nicpon would this break the vulnerabilities scan as a hole or only for that software?
Only for that software. We should probably change this to a warning
Great! Thanks!
How are you? Sorry for the delay but I was trying to find evidence of the problem.
This is my host
0 vulnerable software
But after running a scan in my machine:
And looking inside the folder with the downloaded database by fleet:
is in the
So this vulnerability should be in the board, right?
I believe that's expected behavior since it's an OS vulnerability rather than installed software, but I'm going to double check just to make sure.
And verified. Fleet doesn't scan for OS vulnerabilities and is only looking at additional software at this point.
You could set up a policy to check if the OS is up to date. It's generally a good way to make sure things are as secure as possible :)
Cool! doing that now! thanks a lot!