hello all. I’m stucking in a problem. My server ha...
# tls
hello all. I’m stucking in a problem. My server has wildcard certificate *.test.company.com and the FQDN is final.test.company.com when a try to make a enroll the osquery return
Failed enrollment request to <https://final.test.company.com/api/osquery/enroll> (No node key returned from TLS enroll plugin) retrying...
This looks like a Fleet issue... Our team can help you out further over in #fleet. Looks like your cert is being handled fine though!
Try turning on
so that you can see what osquery is sending. Probably the enroll secret is not configured properly.
Hi @zwass thank you. I’ll post my question in #fleet
I’m using --tls_dump. When I get de body dump from enroll request and send via CURL works fine. and fleet return node_key.