Hi everyone, does anyone get the same error trying...
# windows
Hi everyone, does anyone get the same error trying to fetch aws submodules on windows:
Copy code
Submodule path 'libraries/cmake/source/aws-sdk-cpp/src/aws-sdk-cpp/crt/aws-crt-cpp/crt/aws-c-common': checked out 'c258a154bb89db73eff60a467a0750ee5435ebc6'
fatal: failed to read object b652295078e26f8444c72ee3088f6a1230624827: Filename too long
I have few of these error. Ofc long paths are set (also on git) any help to fix this is appreciated!
hey..I have successfully compiled on windows with my path being
.. this is sadly bit of a known issue
there is also a registry key on windows which enables long path names:
Copy code
Windows 10
The initial directory is assumed to be C:\

Note: Windows and msbuild have traditionally had a 260 character max path limit. If you encounter problems with the long paths generated by CMake, we recommend building in a shorter path, like C:\Projects\osquery. If that still isn't working, since Windows 10 since Version 1607 there is a registry key that can enable longer paths. From an elevated command prompt:

REG ADD HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\FileSystem /v LongPathsEnabled /t REG_DWORD /d 1 /f

After changing that key, reboot your build machine and re-attempt the build.
I build from
without problems but YMMV