We posted this yesterday: <https://zeek.org/2020/0...
# zeek
We posted this yesterday: https://zeek.org/2020/03/23/announcing-the-zeek-agent. Many thanks to @alessandrogario and Trail of Bits for their great work pulling this together!
Is this a fork of osquery built specifically to integrate with Zeek?
No, it works with standard osquery!
If there's anything that doesn't work with upstream binaries let us know and we'll open an issue 🙂
yes, helps if i read the artcle first 'Eventually, this process evolved into a clean rewrite to produce an entirely new agent that can operate both in a standalone fashion and with osquery.' 🙂
I'm definitely intrigued by this. Contextualizing and correlating network log sources is something i'm working on right now. Is the idea behind this the same as the original bro-osquery project back in the day? Where Zeek can ask the endpoint for host (process/user) data to contextualize network logs? If so that is 🔥🔥🔥
Yes, something like that 🙂
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