<@U02L63DU4P5> <@U033CSK13N3> <@U02P11XAYMB> And a...
# fleet
@Marc Roelofs @Jason Roberts @Alexander Samrega And anyone else who may have run in to database migration issues moving to 4.19.0: The patch to resolve migration issues is live and upgrading should get you back on track. If not, please don't hesitate to let me know, I'm happy to set up a meeting and help get things sorted for you.
Thanks @Kathy Satterlee fornletting us know. I'll try in the morning!
@Kathy Satterlee could you share me some advise here on above ?
Looking into this! Is everything running smoothly despite the warning?
I have not started fleet serve yet , just wanted to see if there's a script to run against the db to fix it . I do stil have the FLEET_UPGRADES_ALLOW_MISSING_MIGRATIONS in my k8s manifest , I could start it and see . there is no immediate critical issue if its still down. Thought it was best to ask first as this will "haunt" me with any future updates I reckon
I'm going to reach out to the team to dig in to why the warning is showing up. My initial semi-educated guess is that there were migrations for 4.19.0 that were pulled out and we need to not show that warning for those specific warnings. Go ahead and fire things up so we can also see if there are any errors 🙂
Will do that later tonight , after diner , thanks !
Unfortunatley not able to do it, will be tomorrow, I'll update here tomorrow
I'll keep a weather eye open.
It's looking like this is likely related to trying things out on the patch branch prior to release, assuming that
is also up-to-date. If it doesn't cause any issues with functionality, it can likely be ignored.
Started Fleet, looks stable to me , Fleetctl should be up to date , since I'm using the container provided. But with the ignore missing migrations flag it might get tricky in the future if I take it out ?