```Hello, how are you, I hope you are well! I depl...
# general
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Hello, how are you, I hope you are well!
I deployed a fleet of which I deployed osquery agents. Getting to a certain number of agents, often when a new host is deployed, it downgrades another one from the list. I get the following errors on the output to the osquery server:
1/osquery/distributed/read","ts":"2022-09-05T152012.164277378Z"} Sep 5 152015 osquery fleet[69161]: {"component":"http","err":"authentication error: invalid node key: /uLuK4hiUVdU3hZVXS5dcivDzQFpwfAX","level":"info","path":"/api/v1/osquery/config","ts":"2022-09-05T152015.9287988Z"
hello @Boubacary Diallo, can you hop over to #fleet for this
okay, thank you