Does anyone here have a working osquery.conf and o...
# eclecticiq-polylogyx-extension
Does anyone here have a working osquery.conf and osquery.flags setup that will allow polylogyx to be queried via fleetdm? Proven steps to get it working would be much appreciated!
I did have polylogyx working locally for the events tables the other day and now cannot even get that working. Stopping the service and using osqueryi reports back nothing for things like win_process_events or win_socket_events for example...
Is the config provided on github not working? You may have to adjust the flags file to point to the fleet dm (with appropriate certificates etc) and it should work
Nothing around polylogyx seems to work now. I even tried removing it with the cleanup script and also removed osquery and reinstalled from scratch to no avail. I was hoping someone here might have a set of proven steps and configs I can walk through.
How abt you take thru the steps you did?
Here are the steps that normally work 1. Install osquery 2. copy extension into the osquery folder 3. change the flags file and osquery.config with that is provided in github. (Make sure all the paths in the flags file are looking good) 4. Adjust the flags file for the logger to be tls and point it to your fleet DM (along with certs) but leave the config to be filesystem so that the local copy of osquery.conf comes into play (with queries for tables extended by extension) 5. restart the osquery service At this point, osquery should load the extension and the config from osquery.conf should be read giving you the results on fleet DM
Alternatively, you could try (equivalent of fleetDM with in-built support for the extension)
Thank you! Ok so yesterday there was a turn of events. I decided to stop the Docker Desktop and somehow the polylogyx tables started working again?!?! How might that be related? I am going to work on connecting it to fleetdm today. If that doesn't work I will give plgx-esp a shot.
I believe I found the culprit but will update further if anything changes in my findings. Ok so I happen to have --events_expiry set to 0...or I did. That setting apparently prevents the polylogyx _events tables from working. As soon as I set that to the 3600 default it works fine. I was also able to get it connected with fleetdm just fine. As for the osquery.conf file I was really hoping to manage those settings from fleetdm. Is it possible to convert that polylogyx osquert.conf into something that fleetdm can push out so I can apply configs via tls instead of from the local filesystem?
It is possible the answer might inevitably be to try out plgx-esp instead of fleetdm.
@Fred Koch I would move Fleet specific questions to #fleet. But yes FleetDM can be used to push out settings to agents.