<@U7QP20JQH> no idea if this can be adjusted on th...
# foundation
@seph no idea if this can be adjusted on the project end, but minimum donation for "an organization" is 500$ right now. I would put this donation under my personal company name since that is where it makes the most sense (logically and tax wise) - but it means I can't donate 300$ as easily. If you can't change it I will just do it under my name and then "expense" it to myself, no big deal, but I figure there might be others in a similar situation
I’m not sure what you’re referring to. There’s a minimum donation for orgs on the donation form?
Yeah, and if you go custom and try to go under 500 it just rejects it
"The minimum donation for an individual is $5 and for an organization $500, with maximum less than $1M"
(that is also kind of a weird statement for the maximum)
I don’t quickly see any options. I can inquire about it if you think it’s important. I suspect there’s something about paperwork and whatnot in that minimum.
If you wanted to donate money to osquery, I think that’s pretty sweet. I’d generally encourage monthly if you’re comfortable with it. (I donate $10/month, it’s not that much, but I think of it as baseline)
I’m not worried about the arm64 dev kit costs.
Don't worry about it. If it had been a quick option in a config panel it would've been nice, I'll just expense it to myself. I don't do recurring because I am lazy with accounting and I prefer having fewer transactions a year 🙂
However it goes, thank you for the donation! We haven’t really ramped up any efforts. (Since I think we’re broadly supported by our employers)
👍 1