<@U6EFFT5FG> had been keeping that initial blog po...
# arm-architecture
@alessandrogario had been keeping that initial blog post updated with packages for each release. I can try to find the packages for 4.8.0 and make an update shortly. The plan is to have automation handle this for 4.9.0. One other thing we could use help with is support for the website. I created https://github.com/osquery/osquery-site/issues/207 to track moving from the small "hack" to find arm64 downloads.
🎉 1
Just to make sure I understand, sounds like we'd need: 1.
change so "ARM64" tab show ARM64 links and hashes instead of redirecting to a blog post 2. release automation support to publish packages and hashes for "ARM64" tab on
What kind of work/help do we need to make both happen?
in addition to that, publishing .deb files into apt repo, .rpm files into yum repo would be helpful
yeap! for (2) we are working on this behind the scenes and hopefully it's ready for the next release
(2) should also include publishing packages to the repos
Can we or AWS help with (2) in anyway? Or it needs to be done by core maintainers given that the release process is sensitive and we don't really have access to make changes anyway?
It's not so much that the process is sensitive, but rather it uses a lot of keys/sensitive content and thus you'd have to mock a lot of it.
Yeah you're right- I certainly don't have access to keys/creds to release artifacts. Thanks for the info and I'm looking forward to the next release 🙂