Hi, I have a running fleet env in Kubernetes with ...
# fleet
Hi, I have a running fleet env in Kubernetes with the provided container image from docker hub , and its running 4.7.0 . I'm about to look for the upgrade , and just wondering if I should do a multistage upgrade or just run the db preb for 4.10 and skip 4.8 and 4.9 , whats the best way to go forward ... I mean its only been 2 months since 4.7 came out and I've been adding hosts in the past weeks to get a proper inventory 😉 . Your updating scheme is very fast 👍
You can go directly from 4.7.0 to 4.10.0 all in between migrations will be run as long as you are running fleet prepare db from the 4.10.0 image.
Perfect thanks ! Makes life easier 😉
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