Hey <@U019VQA6R5F>, It's not a generated Query rat...
# fleet
Hey @mikermcneil, It's not a generated Query rather It's a generated source code from the CMake Build system ran from Mac OSx as per defined in the doc's where. have integrated all the Public headers and CPP source files into the XCode IDE ∈ Mac OSx successfully & Unable to get the os_version info from the above api which is defined in the cpp source code. please let me know still if you have any queries!.... and You will be the Guy I am expecting will take this to resolution. eagerly awaiting!....
To be clear, I def won't be the only person involved in this! (I don't know much about Xcode. I barely know how to use anything.) But I'm curious to understand better. And I would love to help if I can. Could you link me to the section of the Fleet or osquery docs you're thinking of?
@Praveen Kumar Can you give a little bit more information on what your end goal is with
? It definitely seems like working with it in XCode isn't going as you expected and we might be able to offer some advice on different ways to get to where you'd like to be.