Hi, I have a few small json files (not log files) ...
# general
Hi, I have a few small json files (not log files) getting created by the container which, as of now, sits in the same folder as log file(which is log rotated). The requirement is to not retain json files older than 2 days. Log rotation doesn't provide rotation base on time. Is there any other way possible to fulfil this?
These json files are created out of outputs of the osquery queries that the container is running. Logger is not writing any of these.
What's writing the files?
encoding/json pckg
I don't think I u sweat and -- what does this have to do with osquery? It sounds like you have something writing files, and you want to remove them from disk
I too realised that. Thanks for your response @seph Will post it in right channel.
Autocorrect managed that. Meant to say "I don't think I understand" Glad you got somewhere.
😂 1