Hi everyone! New to :osquery: What is everyone us...
# general
Hi everyone! New to osquery What is everyone using to remotely query a fleet of laptops and return the results? I've gotten pretty comfortable with doing it on my local machine with
shell. This is the two I'm looking at? https://fleetdm.com/ and Kolide.
Some of the products I know of: 1. fleetdm (see #fleet) 2. kolide (see #kolide) 3. osctrl: https://osctrl.net/ (unsure if they have a channel here) 4. Something I saw recently: https://www.elastic.co/about/press/elastic-announces-osquery-management-integration-for-unified-data-analysis-to-address-cyber-threats
@zwass has made a super cool tool to setup a test environment for fleetdm: https://github.com/fleetdm/osquery-in-a-box
ty 2
Each osquery fleet manager is specialized to specific usecases as well, and many have differences regarding whether they are SaaS-based or on-prem
For osctrl there's an #osctrl channel here. Another OSS option to look at if you're doing mostly macOS is Zentral.