Hey all! I recently deployed FleetDM across endpoi...
# fleet
Hey all! I recently deployed FleetDM across endpoints but noticed that around 3-5% of the hosts will not properly fetch after the initial install. Looking into the FleetDM dashboard those 3-5% of hosts also just show "No data available" under the "Disk space available" section of the Hosts tab. Has anyone run into issues where just a small portion of hosts don't properly call in but all the rests do? If so was there any troubleshooting procedures that helped identify the problem? Thanks!
Also all the hosts that are having these issues are Windows based.
Certificate issue perhaps ?
Not entirely sure. What's odd is that same certificate via our deployment method was done on all the hosts so a certificate issue seems like it would happen on all the hosts rather than just a small few right?
If the date isn’t set correctly that could break the certificate validation
Are you running Orbit or plain osquery? Looking at the logs could help and we can tell you how to do that based on which you are using.
I'm running plain osquery. And that's a good point Shawn! Might have to look into that as well! Appreciate the help!
We found out the issue. Turned out to be the python packages was causing CPU issues and resulted in the endpoint not properly calling back.