Hi fleet team, we have a fleet server just set up ...
# fleet
Hi fleet team, we have a fleet server just set up a new db but we got this err when we start fleet service: Sep 23 235302 n121-011-134 fleet[2423897]: ts=2022-09-23T235302.009530884Z mysql="could not connect to db: dial tcp connect: connection refused, sleeping 7s" but in our fleet.service cfg file, we had a different db
Maybe try reloading the daemon? systemctl daemon-reload
i did it not working, but i will retry it again.
not working. root@n121-011-134:~# systemctl start fleet.service root@n121-011-134:~# systemctl status fleet.service fleet.service - Fleet Loaded: loaded (/etc/systemd/system/fleet.service; disabled; vendor preset: enabled) Active: active (running) since Mon 2022-09-26 220507 UTC; 2s ago Main PID: 224234 (fleet) Tasks: 22 (limit: 39321) Memory: 19.9M CGroup: /system.slice/fleet.service └─224234 /usr/bin/fleet serve \ Sep 26 220507 n121-011-134 fleet[224234]: ts=2022-09-26T220507.63953727Z mysql="could not connect to db: dial tcp connect: connection refused, sleeping 0s" Sep 26 220507 n121-011-134 fleet[224234]: ts=2022-09-26T220507.639753047Z mysql="could not connect to db: dial tcp connect: connection refused, sleeping 1s" Sep 26 220508 n121-011-134 fleet[224234]: ts=2022-09-26T220508.640153129Z mysql="could not connect to db: dial tcp connect: connection refused, sleeping 2s"
I dump the cfg of fleet and it is showing fleet config_dump mysql: protocol: tcp address: localhost:3306 username: fleet password: "" password_path: "" database: fleet tls_cert: "" tls_key: "" tls_ca: "" tls_server_name: "" tls_config: "" max_open_conns: 50 max_idle_conns: 50 conn_max_lifetime: 0 sql_mode: ""
i would like to where does it come?
It's the default value
but hey it is loading the default val?
why doesn't it load my fleet.service?
i resolved the problem by removing another file with same prefix.