Major open source n00b questions :grimacing: What ...
# fleet
Major open source n00b questions 😬 What are some tips around maintaining my own codebase that I can share with my team, while also maintaining a “relationship” to the main repo for updates, etc? (or maybe that isn’t a great idea or not possible) -If I fork fleetdm/fleet it has to stay as a public repo -Do I just create my own private clone? -Do I just utilize the .gitignore file for vars, license keys, etc?
I assume you are asking in relation to the Terraform for a deployment? @Benjamin Edwards can hopefully comment some ideas there.
(Assuming he's all good with the hurricanes coming through Florida ❤️ )
Yeah @zwass mainly Terraform. Is it as simple/best practice to just clone the repo and adding it/maintaining in my personal repos?
Hey guys. I'm working on it just got distracted with hurricane prep
Thank you, no rush Ben 🙂
@Harrison I think the best thing to do is likely clone the repo or copy the terraform files. I think more than likely the requirements in your infrastructure will drift or differ from ours, especially over time. For example we recently upgraded to MySQL 8, but that change is not a simple in place upgrade. You might not want to upgrade yet, or have some other dependencies that still require MySQL 5.7. For secrets you want to manage via tfvars those could live in the repository if private, but what we do since our repo is public is the secret vars like license key end up as secrets in our github repository. You could also store one off secrets using secret manager (AWS) or Vault (hashicorp) and they're managed outside of the repo.