Hi Team, I have the fleet deployed in AWS and is i...
# fleet
Hi Team, I have the fleet deployed in AWS and is in an unstable state now as all the clients are enrolling together at same time. Any ways i could recover this setup and make fleet online? And also what are the resource requirements for ~200K online clients?
Hey @Anoop K V, sorry to hear you are having issues -- I wonder if you can try
https://fleetdm.com/docs/deploying/configuration#osquery-enroll-cooldown, I think that might be worth a try and will help
@Anoop K V take a look at https://fleetdm.com/docs/deploying/reference-architectures#aws which might help your sizing requirements. If you are having surges of enrollment what @sharvil suggested might help. I'd also look into scaling up your backing fleet infrastructure whether EC2/ECS/EKS. Also there are options to pre warm ALBs if you can contact your AWS support rep.
@sharvil @Benjamin Edwards Thank you for the information. It recovered on its own for now, and I see there is a need for additional resources in my case. Thanks again for the support
@sharvil @Benjamin Edwards I am running Fleet 3.11. Before I go for resizing, I would like to know is there any improvements in later versions on optimising resource utilisation or the info captured in below link is up to date with latest version ?https://fleetdm.com/docs/deploying/reference-architectures#aws