anybody has an idea of how i can query users that ...
# general
anybody has an idea of how i can query users that are logged_in for more than 8 hours?
Look at
and do something with
the something with time is the problem. i dont even understand how to make the time readable
here is a starting point, the
function is useful!
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select *, datetime(time, 'unixepoch', 'localtime') as logged_in_time from logged_in_users;
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with sessions as (
  select *,
         (strftime('%s', 'now') -  time) as raw_elapsed_time
         from logged_in_users
select type, user, (raw_elapsed_time / 3600) as hours_logged_in
  from sessions
         where hours_logged_in > 8 ;
@LM From a blogpost I am working on: Most datetime values in osquery are stored in what is called unixepoch. This means that the value you see for a given item for example file.mtime (when a file was last modified) will be represented not as it’s standard calendar format (eg. 09/28/2021 11424 -5 GMT), but instead as the number of seconds between the start of the epoch (January 1, 1970) and that time. Let's take a look at our current unix time by running the following query:
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osquery> SELECT unix_time FROM time;
| unix_time  |
| 1632838244 |
SQLite syntax allows you to perform various manipulations based on a known timestamp:
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SELECT name, datetime(last_opened_time,'unixepoch') AS last_opened_at FROM apps WHERE last_opened_at >= '2021-02-24';
In the case of your
example, you could create a
condition based on hours:
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-- Get all of the columns from logged_in_users
-- Convert time from unixepoch to datetime format
datetime(time,'unixepoch') AS login_time,
-- Calculate the difference in time between login_time and now in hours
ROUND(((JULIANDAY('now') - JULIANDAY(time,'unixepoch'))*60),1) AS session_age_hours
FROM logged_in_users
-- Scope to only sessions which are older than 8 hours 
WHERE datetime(time,'unixepoch') <= datetime('now','-8 hours') 
-- Order by oldest sessions
ORDER BY login_time ASC;
^^ slight correction: it’s its standard calendar format
this is awesome. specially with all the comments for explanations. thank you so much
🙌 1
it works really good except for the ORDER BY login_time ASC. it doesnt order it.
That's interesting, it works as expected on my device:
What happens if you order by
Copy code
-- Get all of the columns from logged_in_users
-- Convert time from unixepoch to datetime format
datetime(time,'unixepoch') AS login_time,
-- Calculate the difference in time between login_time and now in hours
ROUND(((JULIANDAY('now') - JULIANDAY(time,'unixepoch'))*60),1) AS session_age_hours
FROM logged_in_users
-- Scope to only sessions which are older than 8 hours 
WHERE datetime(time,'unixepoch') <= datetime('now','-8 hours') 
-- Order by oldest sessions
ORDER BY session_age_hours DESC;
if you dont mind me asking. why is the session_age_hours longer than the time that has elapsed from the login time to the current time.
Ah, it is likely due to the omission of the
modifier in my
let's see...
@LM can you give me an example of your output?
where the
is longer?
i cannot provide an output. its on a classified airgap network. im also using fleet UI to do the osquery so maybe that has something to do with it? your query is exactly what i needed. im just trying to understand all the components of it so i can learn. thank you for all your help.