Hi there can somebody share any other "Fleet-Kolid...
# general
Hi there can somebody share any other "Fleet-Kolide" like console solutions out there either pen source or paid? Thank you. jh
there osctrl , doorman (might not be maintained anymore), Uptycs (commercial). FleeDM (open source and paid)
those are the ones I know of off the top of my head.
zercurity is also another one.
Zentral is also interesting, especially if focused on macOS.
I believe at one point Zercurity was basically just repackaging Zentral -- not sure if that's changed.
There is also the Kolide SaaS product which is separate from Fleet: https://www.kolide.com/
oh, of course Kolide! 🙂
Thank you very much guys for sharing the alternate osquery mgmt console solutions. I greatly appreciate that. I will go through the list and I see what would a good fit for my place since we have over 40k VMs with osquery installed. Thank you once again. jh