sorry for the amateur question. But does anyone kn...
# general
sorry for the amateur question. But does anyone know how to join os_version table to rpm_packages table? i cant seem to find a common identifier to perform the join. Thanks!
You can compose these tables with
select * from rpm_packages, os_version
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What does joining them mean? If thereā€™s no common identifier, than the join is somewhat odd?
to create a single table. But thanks! it works!
What does ā€œsingle tableā€ mean? Sort of where Iā€™m going here, is while you can stitch arbitrary data together, it may lose semantic meaning.
ideally i want to stitch os_version, rpm_packages and system_info together. so that for each application found in rpm_packages i know the hostname as well as the os that it is running on
Depending on exactly what youā€™re doing, there may be other routes. Sometimes people use decorators for this, depends a lot on what the resultant data storage is like.