Can we get the RSS feed app added to this slack so...
# general
Can we get the RSS feed app added to this slack so we can send updates from blogs like Kolide’s, Fleet’s, Zentral and Uptycs to #community-feeds?
Sounds good to me. If there are no objections I'm happy to add it. Can you link the app that would work well?
The built-by-Slack "RSS" should actually already be installed 😓
I guess someone envisioned something different for community-feeds so I may as well start a new channel
Lmk if you need any admin assistance.
👍 1
I made community feeds, and it was generally meant as a proxy for other communities where questions might land. (Reddit and stack overflow)
There’s a dead-looking #reddit channel we can probably clean up, too…
“what #reddit channel” 😉
(I’ve archived it)
👍 1
I’ve been meaning to take a pass at some unused looking channels)