Hi fleet team, i found recently after we cleaned u...
# fleet
Hi fleet team, i found recently after we cleaned up orbit and running osquery as system daemon service, but agent still has this in the dump log: Oct 14 220422 n121-038-121 osqueryd[563006]: I1014 220422.862608 563137 tls.cpp:255] TLS/HTTPS POST request to URI: https://XXXX.XXX.XXX/api/v1/osquery/distributed/read Oct 14 220422 n121-038-121 osqueryd[563006]: {"node_key":"RnxiqtnNMV2ukNQlWrNtcy8m5f0DfvBP"} Oct 14 220422 n121-038-121 osqueryd[563006]: { Oct 14 220422 n121-038-121 osqueryd[563006]: "queries": { Oct 14 220422 n121-038-121 osqueryd[563006]: "fleet_detail_query_orbit_info": "SELECT * FROM orbit_info" Oct 14 220422 n121-038-121 osqueryd[563006]: }, Oct 14 220422 n121-038-121 osqueryd[563006]: "discovery": { Oct 14 220422 n121-038-121 osqueryd[563006]: "fleet_detail_query_orbit_info": "SELECT 1 FROM osquery_registry WHERE active = true AND registry = 'table' AND name = 'orbit_info';" Oct 14 220422 n121-038-121 osqueryd[563006]: } Oct 14 220422 n121-038-121 osqueryd[563006]: } Oct 14 220422 n121-038-121 osqueryd[563006]: I1014 220422.874121 563137 distributed.cpp:131] Executing distributed query: fleet_detail_query_orbit_info: SELECT * FROM orbit_info Oct 14 220422 n121-038-121 osqueryd[563006]: E1014 220422.874183 563137 distributed.cpp:145] Error executing distributed query: fleet_detail_query_orbit_info: no such table: orbit_info Oct 14 220422 n121-038-121 osqueryd[563006]: I1014 220422.874310 563137 tls.cpp:255] TLS/HTTPS POST request to URI: https://XXXXapi/v1/osquery/distributed/write Oct 14 220422 n121-038-121 osqueryd[563006]: {"queries":{"fleet_detail_query_orbit_info":[]},"statuses":{"fleet_detail_query_orbit_info":1},"messages":{"fleet_detail_query_orbit_info":"no such table: orbit_info"},"node_key":"RnxiqtnNMV2ukNQlWrNtcy8m5f0DfvBP"} why the agent keeps got this from fleet? it is not supposed to happen if we remove orbit, right?
Hey, @wennan.he. This is a discovery query from Fleet, specifically checking to see if that
table is present.
Since you're not using Orbit, it returns an error and Fleet knows that the table isn't there.
There is a bug in osquery though that may come in to play in causing that error to show up more times than it should: https://github.com/osquery/osquery/issues/5260 It shouldn't have any impact outside of seeing the errors in the logs.