```#!/bin/bash #Download OSQuery and Install with...
# general
Copy code

#Download OSQuery and Install with Custom Configuration

echo "Making directory to run installer."
cd /var/tmp
mkdir OSQuery
cd OSQuery


curl -L -O ${OSqueryInstaller}
echo "Downloading package."
sleep 6

echo "Installing package."
/usr/sbin/installer -pkg /var/tmp/OSQuery/${packageName} -target /

touch /var/osquery/osquery.conf

echo '{
"options": {
    "config_plugin": "filesystem",
    "logger_plugin": "filesystem",
    "utc": "true"

"schedule": {
    "system_info": {
        "query": "SELECT hostname, cpu_brand, physical_memory FROM system_info;",
        "interval": 3600
    "high_load_average": {
        "query": "SELECT period, average, '70%' AS 'threshold' FROM load_average WHERE period = '15m' AND average > '0.7';",
        "interval": 900,
        "description": "Report if load charge is over 70 percent."
    "low_free_memory": {
        "query": "SELECT memory_total, memory_free, CAST(memory_free AS real) / memory_total AS memory_free_perc, '10%' AS threshold FROM memory_info WHERE memory_free_perc < 0.1;",
        "interval": 1800,
        "description": "Free RAM is under 10%."
    "detect all unencrypted SSH keys on disk": {
      // The exact query to run.
      "query": "SELECT path FROM user_ssh_keys WHERE encrypted = 0;",
      // The interval in seconds to run this query, not an exact interval.
      "interval": 3600
    "Fireall Status": {
      // The exact query to run.
      "query": "SELECT * from alf;",
      // The interval in seconds to run this query, not an exact interval.
      "interval": 3600

    "osinfo": {
      // The exact query to run.
      "query": "SELECT * from os_version;",
      // The interval in seconds to run this query, not an exact interval.
      "interval": 86400
     "logged_in_users": {
      // The exact query to run.
      "query": "select liu.*, p.name, p.cmdline, p.cwd, p.root from logged_in_users liu, processes p where liu.pid = p.pid;",
      // The interval in seconds to run this query, not an exact interval.
      "interval": 3600

     "OS Disk Encryption": {

      // The exact query to run.
      "query": "select * from disk_encryption where name = '/dev/disk3s1s1';",
      // The interval in seconds to run this query, not an exact interval.
      "interval": 3600

     "Etc_host": {

      // The exact query to run.
      "query": "select * from etc_hosts;",
      // The interval in seconds to run this query, not an exact interval.
      "interval": 3600

     "Startup Items": {

      // The exact query to run.
      "query": "select * from startup_items;",
      // The interval in seconds to run this query, not an exact interval.
      "interval": 86400


"packs": {
     "osquery-monitoring": "/private/var/osquery/packs/osquery-monitoring.conf",
     "incident-response": "/private/var/osquery/packs/incident-response.conf",
     "it-compliance": "/private/var/osquery/packs/it-compliance.conf",
     "osx-attacks": "/private/var/osquery/packs/osx-attacks.conf",
     "vuln-management": "/private/var/osquery/packs/vuln-management.conf",
     "hardware-monitoring": "/private/var/osquery/packs/hardware-monitoring.conf",
     "ossec-rootkit": "/private/var/osquery/packs/ossec-rootkit.conf"
    // "windows-hardening": "C:\\Program Files\\osquery\\packs\\windows-hardening.conf",
    // "windows-attacks": "C:\\Program Files\\osquery\\packs\\windows-attacks.conf"
}' > /var/osquery/osquery.conf

echo "Launch Daemons"
sleep 6

cp /var/osquery/io.osquery.agent.plist /Library/LaunchDaemons
sleep 6

echo "Starting agent."
sleep 6

launchctl load /Library/LaunchDaemons/io.osquery.agent.plist

echo "Cleaning folders and exiting."
cd /var/tmp
rm -r OSQuery

exit 0