What are the main differences between fleetdm and ...
# fleet
What are the main differences between fleetdm and https://www.elastic.co/guide/en/fleet/current/fleet-overview.html ??
Fleetdm is an osquery manager, and Elastic Fleet manages Elastic Agents, things like Beats and probably their EDR stuff. They do also have an OSQuery manager that will send queries to agents, but is not nearly as mature as Fleetdm
Ok, so fleet ≠ fleet more than in name…
Indeed, to add to confusion you could also be referring to • CoreOS FleetJetBrains FleetFleetio 😅
Reason for question is: We’ve had a fleetdm test instance before, and now my SecOps team asked me about Elastic fleet - and I (erroneously) thought they were talking about fleetdm with Elastic. Hence my question about what the difference was…
👍 like they say, there are only 2 problems in computing, 1 naming things 2 off by one errors 3 cache invalidation