<@U01L9HERN0J> I think some of the community reluc...
# general
@arod I think some of the community reluctance to query sharing is a lot of packs contain org-specific queries for things. Also, whenever this topic gets brought up (somewhat often), everyone in the community says "Ooo yes! I want this!", but few individuals seem motivated enough to seed that initial collection with well-written queries and then maintain it.
😐 1
👍 1
Yeah. Offensive folks help each other out more than defenders. Just the nature of the beast.
sed -i 's/sensitive/whatever/g' fleet-pack.yaml
Just to give some context on where this stands as a community effort most recently: https://osquery.slack.com/archives/CAZMS47LG/p1567106350001900
That being said, if you are passionate about this, I would highly encourage you to pick up the torch, I am sure it will make folks happy.