Did anyone get osquery executed command's return c...
# general
Did anyone get osquery executed command's return code as 78 ? On one of my machines, I am constantly getting the return code as 78. Don't know why. It is seen every time I execute a command. I tried installing the latest osquery 4.4.0, but still the return code is 78. Coming to the output, I am seeing getting the output and after that, it freezes for like 2 secs and then exists the process.
You're running this under python, right?
Can you make an issue on GitHub and give us all the details about what you are doing. Can you document it such that I can try to reproduce it myself.
@seph Even without python, I was able to get this issue. Just a normal execution with
@theopolis sure, I can make an issue on GitHub, but the thing is, this is not a generic use case to reproduce. Any osquery command that was run on
a particular machine
of mine, gives the return code as 78. So, how should I report this ? I believe there is something wrong in the environment of my machine, maybe something related to some osquery dependencies on my machine?
So you have one machine, and it reliable causes osqueryi to exit with that code?
Does it matter what table you query? Does the osquery version effect this?
What do you mean by “command” can you paste your terminal output and all use the “—verbose” command line flag?
@seph Yes there is one single machine that causes this issue. It doesn't matter the table that I query. osquery version doesn't effect (I tried with 4.4.0 and 4.3.0 same issue is occured)
@theopolis Sure, here is the output:
$ osqueryi --json 'select * from os_version' --verbose
I0720 00:35:51.247476 49581 init.cpp:343] osquery initialized [version=4.4.0]
I0720 00:35:51.247583 49581 extensions.cpp:383] Could not autoload extensions: Failed reading: /etc/osquery/extensions.load
I0720 00:35:51.247655 49581 init.cpp:566] An error occured during extension manager startup: Extensions disabled
I0720 00:35:51.247686 49581 auto_constructed_tables.cpp:96] Removing stale ATC entries
{"arch":"x86_64","build":"","codename":"","major":"7","minor":"8","name":"CentOS Linux","patch":"2003","platform":"rhel","platform_like":"rhel","version":"CentOS Linux release 7.8.2003 (Core)"}
$ echo $?
There are some queries where the output is not complete, it just ends in the middle of printing output, (suppose if I query the iptables table).
Maybe the extension socket is in some unexpected state on that machine? Can you set —disable_extensions and see if it exits 0?
@theopolis Nope, didn't work
👍 1
I have some other ideas on how to debug, but they are more complex. I’ll get back to you in a few hours when I’m at a computer.
👍 1
Ok, let's eliminate any configuration problems:
Copy code
--config_plugin=filesystem --config_path=/dev/null
Then database problems
Copy code
and to be extra sure extensions are not causing problems
Copy code
Is there anything in the hosts logs?
dmesg | tail
may be interesting. (After the osquery command)
--config_plugin=filesystem --config_path=/dev/null
This worked like a charm. Now, it is working fine.. Can you help me understand my issue here ? @seph Now, as it is working fine, do you want me to send you the logs ?
This isn’t the root cause, but it’s a step. I’ll DM you in a few hours.
👍 1
@theopolis What is the root cause for my issue here ? Even though this particular issue is solved by adding
--config_plugin=filesystem --config_path=/dev/null
to all the queries, I just wanted to get some more info on the root cause.
This sounds like it’s going to end up being async? Might do better as a ticket. Though I don’t want to speak for teddy
@seph what do you mean by async here ?