Is using file carving to collect logs from endpoin...
# general
Is using file carving to collect logs from endpoints too much of a hack vs using a log aggregation tool like filebeat?
I would say yes
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I think it's going to be very tricky to implement that in a way that is reliable and doesn't introduce a ton of duplicates.
☝️ 1
You have many tools to reach for before that one: 1) built-in osquery logging plugins (AWS Kinesis/Firehose, Kafka, etc.) 2) TLS logging (built-in) to aggregate logs on a server and then use aggregation tools on that server. 2) Deploy aggregation to individual endpoints (as you describe)
I was thinking of using file carving to look at munki logs ad hoc
Oh, you are not talking about osquery logs. In that case it seems much more reasonable. I'm not familiar with Munki logs... Possibly creating a table (in an extension?) that parses them could be useful.