why does osquery only record things that happen if...
# general
why does osquery only record things that happen if i run kitchen converge (vagrant back end) twice? (kitchen exec fails, kitchen login works but must be done manually, adding exec or bash to the recipe only works if i run converge twice) #beyondConfused
I don’t understand this question. What does test kitchen have to do with osquery? How is this machine configured? What do you expect to happen?
im trying to construct a system where i can test alerts within my fleet manager by building a chef configuration
(vagrant is the backend)
the vm currently registers just fine but when the script i wrote to trigger the test alert runs, nothing happens, i have to run kitchen converge "twice"
This sounds more like a test kitchen question than an osquery question.
osquery is a daemon. It does daemon things. I can’t speak to how test kitchen provisions it. There’s a lot of complexity hiding in kitchen