Hello! I was wondering if anyone would be able to ...
# general
Hello! I was wondering if anyone would be able to give me a quick status update on this
issue! https://github.com/osquery/osquery/issues/5563. Thank you in advance 😄
Is it still an issue in 4.3.0? Just worked on my Windows VM, though I only have 3 extensions installed.
3.3.2 does not support Chrome profiles, so it may be returning the extensions from different profiles each time? 4.0.2 and later support parsing which profile the extension belongs to
I have a deployment on 4.2.0 and have not seen this issue
Interesting! I haven't actually tested since 3.3.2... let me try it out 😄 Thanks for getting back to me so quickly!
Ah! It looks fixed 🦜 Thank you all!