Hey question is here a designated person from the ...
# general
Hey question is here a designated person from the osquery project who would be available to come on and talk on a DFIR podcast about the project?
I've always found @theopolis's voice to be podcast quality.
I sent a DM
Alternatively, ping #foundation
Are you looking for a member of the technical steering committee, or a community member with a lot of DFIR experience? (I don’t have someone in mind, but they may not overlap)
@theopolis has been with the project a long time. If he’s available and willing, he’s always a good person. (But he’s also pretty busy with life). I’m generally willing, but I feel like a newcomer, and don’t do much in DFIR, so feel a bit out of my depth volunteering.
The audience (it's called the forensic lunch https://youtube.com/learnforensics) is technical DFIR
so it would be great to get someone who can speak to the project, its future and with some dfir background to answer questions