What do you mean “state is different”? Are you run...
# general
What do you mean “state is different”? Are you running into https://github.com/osquery/osquery/issues/6290
👍 1
What I meant is: 1. 1st execution it works fine. 2. Which means I'm building a new Docker image, with a new osquery installed, etc. 3. When I rerun the test, it's the scenario which I reuse the same image, and the state it was previously. 4. And executing that command breaks.
How does it break?
Well, I was using version 3.3.2 before and I was executing that command:
osqueryi --config_check
It was working just fine... We were expecting the exit_status 0. And now, with the version
we get return error 1. Let me see if I have proper logs of the error.
I'm afraid that's all I have, I'm trying to reproduce in my machine.
I suspect you’re going to have an easier time debugging this from a shell, where you can actually see what’s happening. and not have it obscured by your testing system.
But if I had to guess on minimal information. #6290 sounds appropriate
That's exactly what happens. new version open the iterative shell
There you go. that’s described in #6290
Looking! THanks
So that looks like it's a bug and the team is aware of that...
Would you suggest downgrading to 4.1.2 instead?
I have no obvious suggestion. 4.2.0 fixes a security vulnerability and adds various features. It obviously has this bug. You could change your check. downgrade, or write a fix.
Gotcha! Thank you so much