hiya im currently getting this when i try to enrol...
# general
hiya im currently getting this when i try to enroll my mac, i have the
option set, and when i try to enroll w/ kolide launcher i get something about "unexpected response" over grpc
Copy code
W0106 15:59:47.299160 143402432 tls_enroll.cpp:74] Failed enrollment request to <https://fleet.secure.redacted.com/api/v1/osquery/enroll> (Request error: Failed to connect to <http://fleet.secure.redacted.com:443|fleet.secure.redacted.com:443>: Operation timed out) retrying...
I0106 15:59:48.303138 143402432 tls.cpp:253] TLS/HTTPS POST request to URI: <https://fleet.secure.redacted.com/api/v1/osquery/enroll>
I would increase the verbosity of the logs,
osqueryd ... --tls_dump --verbose
and ensure the certificate bundle on the backend is correct.
Have you investigated
Failed to connect to <http://fleet.secure.redacted.com:443|fleet.secure.redacted.com:443>: Operation timed out
yeah it like... connects okay from the network i was on
i think it is the grpc thing with my load balancer