so I have a question, mostly directed to <@U7DT2E8...
# general
so I have a question, mostly directed to @Mike Myers @dguido and whoever else is from Trail of Bits
Hey Javuto, I don’t appreciate the hostility of your comments. If you’re sharing this Slack with us then you witnessed the massive number of changes that merged into master after being blocked for nearly a year. There’s also a substantial increase in automated testing as a result of our efforts where there was none before.
Please take your comments elsewhere if you intend to resort to personal attacks. They’re not welcome here.
Can you please point me how I have attacked anybody with my comments?
Probably I should have not called anybody by name, I apologize for that. But I just saw the tweet from the Trail of Bits account (now gone), about the release, and the initial surprise and joy that it brought, it turned into frustration when I saw how broken it was
Don’t be a jerk. We’re all working hard, and there’s lots to be proud of in this release. Trying to personally insult Mike and I for recognizing everyone’s hard work and cheering it on via twitter isn’t helpful.
Thank you for helping track down the issue, the important part of this event. We’ll try our best to address the root cause issue and improve testing across the board to ensure it doesn’t happen again.
I was the first one that RT it! I seriously acknowledge all the work that went into the release, that is why I was so eager to test the build and start using it right away
Definitely, I am happy to help in that effort.