Heads up ... you will likely need to change your q...
# general
Heads up ... you will likely need to change your queries to prepare for PR-5422 in production (currently in fb's experimental branch). Constraint checking added, so queries that don't satisfy 'required' column queries will error with 'constraint failed'. This is a good thing, as without this change, sqlite is doing things behind the scenes that are not expected. Things to look for: - you may need to fix ordering and qualifiers on JOIN to be LEFT JOIN - no more using multiple LIKE constraints on a required column, only multiple Equals or IN(). So you have to get creative with IN(select like or like) https://github.com/facebook/osquery/pull/5422
😮 1
One example is in hardware-monitoring.conf pack:
select file.path, uid, gid, mode, 0 as atime, mtime, ctime, md5, sha1, sha256 from (select * from file where path like '/System/Library/CoreServices/%.efi' union select * from file where path like '/System/Library/LaunchDaemons/com.apple%efi%') file join hash using (path);
Needs a LEFT join on hash
Second example is in osx-attacks.conf pack:
Copy code
select * from file where
        path LIKE '/Users/%/Library/.kernel_%' OR
        path LIKE '/Users/%/Library/kernel_service';
Needs to be a bit convoluted now:
Copy code
SELECT * FROM file WHERE path IN (
        SELECT path FROM file WHERE path LIKE '/Users/%/Library/iMovie/%'
        SELECT path FROM file WHERE path LIKE '/Users/%/Library/kernel_service')
Thank you for the heads up on this. Are you saying that some queries that formerly returned the expected results will now error out?
and likely the results returned now are not what would always be expected. For example, a table implementation may just return empty rows if constraint is not passed in
can you open an issue for this?
will do
it's more of an education thing. not sure we can change the behavior
lol this is going to break so much stuff for us
well, the good news is you can start changing it now, and you will be ready when the time comes.