It’s easy to run expensive queries. One thing to l...
# general
It’s easy to run expensive queries. One thing to look at is the
table. has some info (and there are probably other blog posts about)
This post references wall_time, is wall_time the cumulative time the query has run across all executions? Or is this the time spent per each execution?
@Woogs hey, i wrote that blog post - wall time is based on the last run you can verify this by scheduling something expensive with a short interval, and querying
select name, executions, wall_time, user_time from osquery_schedule
you’ll see executions and user time increasing, and wall time should remain about the same
woogs, after digging in the source, i was wrong on that, and i’ll have to update the blog - wall time is the difference between unixtimes, which can definitely be zero for fast queries
awesome! Thanks for taking a look, been trying to figure out how to interpret that data
i actually asked that same question a while ago and nobody picked up the nuance - i just wrote that knowing it was ‘milliseconds of execution time’
thanks for calling it out 🙂