good afternoon guys! qq: what was the flag I need ...
# general
good afternoon guys! qq: what was the flag I need to give to have content in table
? I thought there was a flag....Thanks a bunch ๐Ÿ˜„
Does - - disable_events=false work for you?
On mobile so canโ€™t do my fancy formatting :)
unfortunately it didn't ๐Ÿ˜ž
@thor can you educate me a little on what exactly is this table for? Can't seem to find that in the docs ๐Ÿ˜ž Thank you sir!
Hey @jackjack, have you checked out this part of the readthedocs on our eventing framework? That might give some more overview as to how it works, but in essence that table is for "flight recording" process executions, so enabling the events should have osquery start monitoring process starts