Does anyone know how to do a conditional query on ...
# general
Does anyone know how to do a conditional query on 1 table if data exists in another? I created 2 tables, location and speedtest. if you run a query against speedtest it will run the test so I don't want to query against it unless certain conditions are met. IE if (select location = 'somewhere') Then (select * from speedtest). The location and speedtest tables do not share any common attributes, and there will be a lot of other conditions added in the future so I don't want to have to modify the speedtest table to include additional common attributes down the road. I can make it work using a case statement, but it will only work for 1 attribute in the speedtest table. I need to be able to pull all values. Example: SELECT location, CASE location WHEN 'Building R (Wireless)' THEN (SELECT download FROM speedtest) ELSE 'skipped' END download FROM location Will return hostname | download | location <host> | 601.34Mbit/s | Building R (Wireless) But I need all the attributes out of speedtest, which include latency, upload, etc. Using the case statement I would have to create an additional case for every other attribute which would mean the speedtest would run multiple times. Any ideas?
@TonyC Did you ever solve this problem? If not you can do it with an EXISTS condition
So essentially you run your
Copy code
select latency, upload, etc from speedtest WHERE EXISTS (select location from locations where location = 'Building R (Wireless)');
Actually I found it was not necessary. Using the WHERE clause appears to execute in order, so if the Location was not in Building R (Wireless) the test would not run. I thought I had tested that, but apparently I didn't do it correctly 🙂 Thanx for your suggestion though
no problem! Glad to hear you solved it in the end 🙂