we could do this pretty easily with osquery-go imo
# general
we could do this pretty easily with osquery-go imo
i'm thinking of trying out writing an extension that communicates with the kubelet (either with go or python). do you know where i can find docs on how to do this? tried googling but not getting any useful info.
docs for the kubelet interface, i mean.
@pirxthepilot it’s not documented
@pirxthepilot i would be down to poke at this API if you want to work on it together in go
that would be great! with the caveat that i'm using this as an excuse to learn go, so it probly won't be good code nor quick 🙂
heh, well i am happy to help with that part of it. i am familiar with the osquery-go client library.
should i set up a repo with some preliminary extension scaffolding?
sounds good!
@pirxthepilot added you to the repo!
yay thank you!