Bumping this.
# general
Bumping this.
So there isn't currently, however the data is available from the system if you would like to add it. In wifi.mm it shows the plist that is read for that data: /Library/Preferences/SystemConfiguration/com.apple.airport.preferences.plist There is a key in there for PreferredOrder. You can read that in and add a number to each Row if you'd like then just sortby
Thanks for the info! hmm how would you go about reading that via OSQuery?
It goes like this:
select wifi_networks.* from wifi_networks join (select subkey position, rtrim(substr(value, 12), '>') hex_name from preferences where domain = '/Library/Preferences/SystemConfiguration/com.apple.airport.preferences.plist' and key = 'PreferredOrder' and host = 'current') where hex_name = ssid ORDER BY position;
Then you win
Turns out it doesn't require a codemod 😛
oh man, thank you
No problem 🙂