İ think you should be more calm. Or if you wish, y...
# general
İ think you should be more calm. Or if you wish, you can remove me from the channels
Hey man, you don't have to go away. Just bear in mind that these projects are maintained by hardworking folks who sometimes get busy, have bad days, or maybe even get a little frustrated when answers are already documented. A good takeaway here is to try your best to read through the docs or do a search before raising every question in a channel. It's not that folks don't want to help, just that sometimes the work has already been done for you. If you weren't aware of the particular bit of Internet etiquette that Groob pointed out, well now you are. Lower case only for polite conversation. 🙂
👍 5
Ok. He wrote "PLEASE" to me. İf please=PLEASE , in this case, it should be in the internet etiquette that i wrote
Yeah dude... a single word, with italics, to show emphasis. He was voicing a very strong request. Context is everything.
👍 1
@Kemal he wrote PLEASE because it was emphasized. You've been answering a lot of questions people have asked with incorrect information. I know your answers are trying to be helpful, but providing incorrect information hurts those seeking answer as well as the project as a whole. Its great that you're trying to help, but its important to understand when its helping and when its hurting. No one wants you to feel like you need to leave, but you also need to understand that this is a place where a lot of people come for answers, so its important that mis-information be kept to a minimum. If you aren't 100% sure on something, its best to just let it go unanswered and wait for someone else to chime in. I hope that makes sense 🙂
Thanks @clippy i shouldnt answer if im not sure. But this info from the site. İs this a mistake to need to be corrected?
İ think this is not excatly honesty
its quite possible its a bug in documentation! And that's totally great to catch. What I would suggest is that if you find something like that where this is conflicting information, you do a search through the existing github issues to see if there's already an outstanding issue for it. If not, go ahead and create one. If there is, a simple comment in the issue of "I ran into this too and its confusing, can someone please clarify which is correct" goes a long way to giving more attention to that issue
I think you will find people much more willing to work on things if you do some basic checking on it yourself before raising it up
also, just so you're aware, there's a separate github repo for website issues: https://github.com/osquery/osquery-site
İ accept my mistake but some others i dont think. And thanks.
İt is important to be honest
End. Thanks
@thor @ccoy @groob i accepted my mistake but you thor? And you the advocates? you cant answer. İ think you arent honest. İ suggest you honesty. İm leaving
Er, how do you mean? Am I not upfront? Do I attempt to trick you somehow? In what instances have I been dishonest?
I didn't think any follow-up was necessary. It's great that you acknowledged your mistake and are willing to learn from it.