I think <https://github.com/osquery/osquery-toolch...
# core
I think https://github.com/osquery/osquery-toolchain/pull/23 is ready for review. And I want to get the toolchain builders more officially supporting aarch64
cc @Stefano Bonicatti
I’m curious why you think the toolchain repo is a better home compared to the existing osquery/osquery home that you have linked in the PR?
I can be convinced to move it to the osquery repo. But the bulk of the image is the tool chain. And if not for the cmske bug, it link it to the tool chain repos ci
Eg: I expect to rebuild that when the tool chain changes. And not much else
My only ask is that we have it live in only one place so if we determine the toolchain repo then we should delete the existing dockerfile in osquery.
💯 1
Hum the Dockerfile is something more connected to the CI and the osquery repo than the toolchain. The CMake version in there might have to be updated, we might need to update the OS and also the list of packages (python stuff) for tests. I don’t think that the change rate of that file is in sync with the toolchain. The toolchain repo was really meant for the compiler only, and all the files there are meant to produce a release tar.gz.
Yes. If we merge that I'll pr the removal.
It's also not osquery code. It's just kinda support crap.
But I don't feel super strongly. I just want it done. Happy to move the PR to the other repo.
I have a slight bias towards having it in the osquery repo as we might want to change the toolchain around, make an official new release, then finally update the pinned release in the osquery dockerfile and publish that change distinctly.
I know the dockerfile in the osquery repo isn’t strictly what is on docker registry but I like to think that it’s the “source” representation.
Okay. That's two votes to leave it in osquery. I'll defer on this. I'll move it after child bedtime. Please also review for content.
Updated to be https://github.com/osquery/osquery/pull/7011 have as look at that, review, thumb, etc.
ah, I just reviewed https://github.com/osquery/osquery-toolchain/pull/23#pullrequestreview-614928540 (I had it open in a window from a few hours before) hehe
all good. I replied there and the one thing I implemented I did on the other one 🙂
Not sure there’s an convention around stage naming. I don’t see a lot of dockerfile stuff like this on the broader network. Mostly it seemed clear given the topdown read