Hello, trying to follow the docs for setting up a ...
# fleet
Hello, trying to follow the docs for setting up a server. I’m running the
fleet prepare db
command, but it doesn’t output anything, and looks like the tables are not initialised. Any tips?
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# /usr/bin/fleet prepare db  --mysql_address=  --mysql_database=fleet  --mysql_username=root --mysql_password=REDACTED

mysql> use fleet;
Database changed
mysql> show tables;
| Tables_in_fleet         |
| migration_status_data   |
| migration_status_tables |
2 rows in set (0.00 sec)

mysql> select * from migration_status_data;
| id | version_id | is_applied | tstamp              |
|  1 |          0 |          1 | 2022-05-13 07:08:27 |
1 row in set (0.00 sec)

mysql> select * from migration_status_tables;
| id | version_id | is_applied | tstamp              |
|  1 |          0 |          1 | 2022-05-13 07:08:27 |
1 row in set (0.00 sec)
Hi @Daniel Cross. From the migration tables content it does look like an uninitialized database... Couple of questions: 1. No output at all
/usr/bin/fleet prepare db
? (try adding
) 2. What's the fleet version?
/usr/bin/fleet version
3. Have you set Fleet's MYSQL environment-variables/flags when running
/usr/bin/fleet prepare db
? (to connect to the
Hi @Lucas Rodriguez 1. Absolutely nothing even when adding --logging_debug 2.
fleet version 4.14.0
3. I’ve set the flags as per docs (as pasted above)
--mysql_address  --mysql_database=fleet  --mysql_username=root --mysql_password=XXX
I can confirm I can log in with the password specified by manual login, and it must be doing something as you can see those migration tables.
some extra info:
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# uname -a
Linux ip-10-100-4-62.eu-west-1.compute.internal 5.16.20-100.fc34.x86_64 #1 SMP PREEMPT Wed Apr 13 22:10:30 UTC 2022 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux
# getenforce
# cat /etc/fedora-release
Fedora release 34 (Thirty Four)
Absolutely nothing even when adding --logging_debug
OK, let's try re-doing the following steps: (Assuming that you have no data to lost in MySQL
database.) 1. Run the following in a mysql prompt
drop database if exists fleet; create database fleet;
2. Run
/usr/bin/fleet prepare db --mysql_address=  --mysql_database=fleet  --mysql_username=root --mysql_password=REDACTED
. It should run for a couple of minutes and output
Migrations completed.
and exit cleanly. 3. Check the prepare command exited successfully:
echo $?
(should print
). 4. Log in again to mysql and run
use fleet
and run
select * from migration_status_tables;
This looks much better. So dropping the db and starting fresh helped here - I guess ‘prepare db’ hit something in those migration tables and silently failed 🤔
Glad it helped!
Anyone have this issue. This is on a Debian AWS (not container) instance. Every time I delete these entries they come back green for a minute then back offline.
Hi @James Wilburn! This is being fixed on next release of Orbit (issue: #9132) (should auto-update and fix automatically). Though you would need to remove the ghost entries manually one last time after the auto-update.
(ETA: Next week.)
Awesome, because I'm sooooooooo out of idea's lol
Orbit should run with root privileges (it's not supported to run as non-root). That could be one cause of the issue. Another cause is linux distributions not having a
I had an issue with the Security Onion Fleet (kolide) where the host_identified=uuid seemed to be hard coded and I had an issue with duplicate hostnames in my environment (a lot of identical hostnames). I moved to a stand-alone and then this, lol. Glad this problem is actually getting fixed. I like Fleet too much
has this been fixed yet? I just want to rule that out before looking deeper
@James Wilburn Hi! New Orbit should be released sometime this week.
Sweet. Thanks Sir